Advances in Management and Applied Economics

Culture and entrepreneurial opportunity recognition: Evidence from GEM and WVS

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  • Abstract 

    Many studies have addressed opportunity discovery and opportunity exploitation; however, very little research has focused on opportunity recognition. In this study, 17 countries that participated in both GEM and WVS. Our research found that each of the factors studied in this analysis were influential in entrepreneurial opportunity recognition. Furthermore, the factors result in six specific patterns of entrepreneurs. We also examined the stability on the SOM plane of the six patterns of entrepreneurial opportunity recognition. The study reveals interesting patterns of entrepreneurial opportunity recognition in the context of global entrepreneurial activities.

    JEL classification numbers: L26

    Keywords: Culture, Entrepreneurial Opportunity Recognition, Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM), World Values Survey (WVS)

ISSN: 1792-7552 (Online)
1792-7544 (Print)