Advances in Management and Applied Economics

The relationship among emotional exhaustion, job satisfaction, performance, and intention to leave

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  • Abstract 

    This research aims to examine the relationship among emotional exhaustion, job satisfaction, performance and intention to leave.  The main argument is that employees are not always happy in their jobs. In certain condition, when the job is monotonous or stressful or lack of supervisor/organizational support, employee may experience such feeling of being tired emotionally. This might lead to decreasing job satisfaction and performance, and also increasing employee’s intention to leave their companies. 399 employees from various organization participated in this research. Data was processed using path analysis with AMOS 24 program. This research found several results. First, emotional exhaustion has significant negative influence to job satisfaction. Second, job satisfaction has significant  positive influence to performance. Third, job satisfaction has no influence to intention to leave. Fourth, emotional exhaustion has significant positive influence to intention to leave. Fifth, surprisingly, contrary to hypotheses, emotional exhaustion has significant positive influence to performance.

    JEL classification numbers: M12
    Keywords: emotional exhaustion, intention to leave, job satisfaction, performance.

ISSN: 1792-7552 (Online)
1792-7544 (Print)