Advances in Management and Applied Economics

Factors Influencing Usage of E-learning Systems in Taiwan’s Public Sector: Applying the UTAUT Model

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  • Abstract

    Knowledge workers need to continuously enhance their knowledge and skills to advance their work performance. While e-learning is increasingly being adopted, the issue of e-learning usage has arisen both in practice and in academia. This study aims to understand what factors influence employees’ behavioral intention of e-learning within a public sector context. A total of 247 employees participated in this study. The results indicate that while performance expectancy, effort expectancy, and social influence significantly influence the behavioral intention of e-learning, behavioral intention and facilitating conditions significantly influence use behavior for e-learning systems. For organizations, the results suggest that managers may need to build an e-learning community to provide relevant mechanisms for promoting the usage of e-learning systems.

ISSN: 1792-7552 (Online)
1792-7544 (Print)