Advances in Management and Applied Economics

Corporate Social Responsibility and Firm Reputation in Mexican Small Business

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  • Abstract

    In the current literature of business and marketing science the firm reputation, it is considered not only as one of the most important business strategies, but also as an essential intangible resource to achieve more and better results. However, the results can be better when the activities of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and corporate reputation are related, since CSR actions that are adopted and implement by the companies, particularly small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), will have positive, negative or neutral effects on the reputation level of companies, since precisely this inconsistency in the results makes it necessary conducting more studies providing theoretical and empirical evidence of the effects exerted by CSR activities in the firm’s reputation. Therefore, the aim of this empirical study is the analysis and discussion of existing effects between CSR activities and the reputation level of SMEs, using a sample of 308 companies in Mexico. The results obtained show that CSR activities have significant positive effects on the level of the reputation of SMEs.

    JEL classification numbers: M310
    Keywords: Corporate social responsibility, firm reputation, small business.

ISSN: 1792-7552 (Online)
1792-7544 (Print)