Advances in Management and Applied Economics

Testing the Mediating Effect of Emotional Exahustion and Life Satisfaction in the Influence of Work Family Conflict to Performance

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  • Abstract


    Most research focus on the influence of work family conflict to performance. However not all of them gave consistent results. This leave a research gap concerning the mediating variables between work family conflict to performance. This research explores the use of emotional exhaustion and life satisfaction as mediating variables in the influence of work family conflict to performance. This research uses methods for testing mediating variables as proposed by Barron and Kenny (1986) instead of using structural equation modelling which only testing the path and not the mediating variables effect. Questionnaires were distributed to multiple target respondents of diverse backgrounds that include lecturers and university employees, government employees, employees of a restaurant, employees of small and medium businesses, and employees of a manufacturing business. A total of 350 questionnaires were distributed and the returned questionnaires that can be processed as many as 269 questionnaires. This study found that emotional exhaustion and life satisfaction act as partial mediator in the influence of work family conflict and performance.

ISSN: 1792-7552 (Online)
1792-7544 (Print)