Journal of Statistical and Econometric Methods

Hidden Power of Communication: Understanding Organizational Structure in Bank Branches: Ziraat Bank Example

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  • Abstract 

    By all means, having a well-functioning organizational communication channel is a must to maintain the corporate culture and align with the organizational strategy and goals. In order to improve communication levels in an organization, it is crucial to know the communication habits and levels of employees. Organizational Network Analysis (ONA) is a structured way to visualize how communication, information, and decisions flow through an organization, and the nature of communication patterns among employees. “A picture is worth a thousand words” is one of the most commonly used phrases. On the other hand, a graph is worth much more than that. “A visual representation of data, in the form of graphs, helps human resources professionals gain actionable insights and make better data driven decisions based on them”. The role of the team leader is important in increasing communication between the teams .In this study, the dimensions of organizational communication between the managers and employees in 1.642 banking branches has been analysed with the ONA. Then 12 metrics were calculated. Using the correlation analysis, the highest relationship among these metrics was selected. Branches with similar characteristics were grouped by cluster analysis. It is seen that the cluster with the best characteristics is also the branches with high performance. 

    JEL classification numbers: D85, C15, C81, J24, J21 
    Keywords: Organizational Network Analyses, Fruchterman-Reingold Algorithm, Clustering, Correlation Analyses, ONA Metrics. R Programming, People Analytics.