It is generally difficult to identify the exact
outliers in periodic process and the suitable outlier detection method without
a given underlying outlier process; also important is to discover the unusual
data whose behavior is very exceptional when compared to the rest of the data
set since the presence of the outlier can mar the model characterization
techniques. Hampel suggested an identifier using the median to estimate data
location and median absolute deviation to estimate the standard deviation. We
apply the Modified Hampel Statistics by introducing the Jacknife method to the
estimation of the parameters needed in Hampel detecting method to robust
estimates. The two methods considered are implemented on-line and off-line
points in finite samples taken for both real-life and simulated data using PAR
(I) model. The results in both cases show that the Modified Hampel Statistic
has higher rate of outlier identification for on-line detection. However, all
the points identified by the Hampel method are also confirmed by the new Robust
Hampel Method. The robust method identified less off-line points than the
Hampel Method, this further shows the effectiveness of our robust method in an
attempt to reject off-line points that are falsely identified by Hampel method
as outliers.