Advances in Management and Applied Economics

Aims and Scope

The Journal's emphasis is on empirical, applied, and policy-oriented research in Management and Economics. All empirical methods including (but not limited to) qualitative, quantitative, or combination methods are represented. Articles published in the journal are clearly relevant to applied management theory and practice and identify both a compelling practical management issue and a strong theoretical framework for addressing it.

The Journal's purpose is to improve communications between the academic and other research communities and policymakers and operational decision makers.

Suitable topics for AMAE include but are not limited to:
Strategic Management, Services Management, Health Service Management, Education Management, Operations Management, Organisational Planning, Policy Making and Decision Making, Motivation, Globalisation, Training and Development, Recruitment and Selection, Industrial Relations, Virtual Technology, Change Management, Organisational Behaviour, Monetary Policy, Fiscal Policy, Exchange Rates, International Economics, Economic Growth and Development, Transition Economies, Health Economics, Economic Integration, Labor Economics, Regional and Urban Economics, Industrial Organization, Applied Microeconomics, Energy Economics, Public Policy, Economic Programs, and other timely and concerned subjects.

Impact Factor: 0.08 (RePEc) 

Special Issue 2025: Cost of Living Crisis-Global Impact and Challenges

Advances in Management and Applied Economics invites submissions from researchers on the broader topic of the cost of living crisis and its impacts and challenges to management and applied economics. 

A series of dedicated Special Issues will be published within 2025.

The themes of the Special Issues are (but not limited to) the following:

  • Inflation, taxation and commodity prices
  • Public debt and the future of global economy
  • Housing crisis: cost, demand and supply
  • Construction cost and construction demand
  • Energy pricing and the future of fossil fuel economy
  • Energy pricing and the future of sustainable resources
  • The impact of artificial intelligence to financial and business operations
  • Material shortage in the construction sector
  • Global commodities and material shortages in supply chains
  • Inflation, monetary policy and financial stability
  • Circular economy and ESG case studies
  • Safe and sustainable transportation: financial and social impacts from electric vehicles
  • The whole life economics and future trends for car batteries
  • Recovery funding for resilient infrastructure
  • Insurance and reinsurance for infrastructure recovery
  • Recovery from major events and insurance policies
  • Renewable energy investments and sustainable energy transition
  • Insurance and Pensions Systems: deficits and future
  • Hospitality and tourism in urban centres: economy of big events with emphasis on major sport events
  • The future of pension systems and the future pensioner
  • Management of pension funds and financial implications from inflation
  • The future of travel and tourism economy in a global inflationary environment
  • Resilient economies: financial implications from regional conflicts and financial recovery strategies
  • Resilient economies: financial implications from major natural disasters and finance for rebuild
  • Impacts to the economy of sports with emphasis on motor sports
  • Skills shortage in professions with emphasis in engineering, medicine, law and education           

ISSN: 1792-7552 (Online)
1792-7544 (Print)