Advances in Management and Applied Economics

A Study on the Relationships between the Information Disseminator Role of the Manager, Empowered Employees and the Company Performance

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  • Abstract

    In this present study we take the information disseminator role of the manager (Mintzberg, 1973) as an antecedent of empowerment in the organization. The empowerment approach is based on the Spreitzer’s (1995) model based on four cognitions: meaning, competence, self-determination and impact. We propose and empirically test that only when the information flows freely and shared by every employee then the employees would feel empowered. A second aim is to test the direct influence of information flow on the company performance. The third aim of this study is to empirically test the direct influences of the four theoretical constructs of empowerment described in the model on company performance. This study also confirms the construct validity of the empowerment scale used in our chosen sample. Our sample consisted of 156 human resources managers or purchasing managers from 156 different companies. In this study empowerment and its causal relationships with information disseminator role of the manager and addingly the company performance are measured from the managers’ perceptions. Thus we also aimed that managers will make a self-evaluation and that they will gain insight about their role as information disseminators and empowerment agents.

ISSN: 1792-7552 (Online)
1792-7544 (Print)