Journal of Applied Medical Sciences

The Implementation of Workplace Wellness Program and its Impact on Employee Work Productivity: The Case of Safaricom Company Ltd

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  • Abstract

    The objective of the study is to find out the impact of workplace fitness programs and the outcome on employee job output. Many employers have become conscious of employee’s health and have instituted fitness programs in their workplace with the goal of improving and maintaining employee health and increasing worker performance and productivity. The study utilized cross section study design to assess the workplace fitness programs and its outcome on employee’s job performance. In all, 150 consented employees were interviewed in the telephone communication industry. The study found that the implementation of fitness program has positive effects on work performance and work productivity. Over 90% of the physically active employees did not take sick leave over a period of one year. In addition, more than 80% of the employees who are engaged in an exercise program of at least 30 minutes each day reported, less medical problems or disability and sound mental wellbeing compared with those who do not have any exercise program. The implementation of an employee health and fitness program at the workplace can enhance employee work performance and work output. This has multiple positive and lasting effects on the employee and employer.

    Keywords: Safaricom, Workplace, Wellness, Employee, Productivity.