Journal of Finance and Investment Analysis

Effect that influences the relationship between coworkers and the work satisfaction on a metal mechanic company

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  • Abstract

    The present investigation aims to measure the employment relationship of a team coworkers in a metal working company from the city of Frontera, Coahuila; it is vital to assess the effect of the interaction of the motives of the individual, the incentives that provides the organization and the expectations raised in the relationship. Is there a correlation between being in team of co-workers with a satisfactory working environment? Maslow (1991) said that motivation is constant and complex, practically an almost universal feature in every organization. The methodology is mixed qualitative since it went to the documentary and quantitative information where the techniques used were interviews; besides, the research shows the application of 34 surveys of employees, and is supplemented by documentary sources that have investigated this subject. According to Alles (2002) it can be obtained proposals to improve production performance. Analyzing the results disclosed specific performance and the behavior factor of co-workers; based on statistics are made proposals that are of vital importance for the company.