Journal of Applied Finance & Banking

Venture Capital and Female Entrepreneurs: A Case Study

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  • Abstract

    The purpose of this paper is to analyze the financial institutions which are providing finances to the entrepreneurs in a small town of Pakistan. The research is conducted to review the existing conditions, problems / barriers / hindrances in access of venture for female entrepreneurs based in a small town. The analysis is based on primary data collection through survey questionnaire, the sample is (50) fifty female entrepreneurs and small business owners. After analyzing the survey questionnaire through SPSS by using regression analysis the findings are then triangulated through indepth interviews with venture capitalists namely the bank as well as small business owners as well as entrepreneurs. It is revealed that the greater number of the female entrepreneurs around 60% support the individual loan programs and just 18% support the gathering loan philosophy. Things that matter in individual loan projects are the need of guarantee, high financing cost and other intense prerequisites. These elements are broke down through relapse model to discover which are the most persuasive components that hamper the female borrowings through miniaturized scale money related foundations. The paper finishes up the guarantee to be the most compelling component took after by loan costs, education and advance preparing timings which frequents the female business people to get to back from a miniaturized scale budgetary foundation.