Journal of Applied Finance & Banking

Study on Efficiency Sustainability of Taiwan’s Bank Performance under a Dynamic Framework

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  •                                                      Abstract

    This paper aims to calculate individual bank efficiency based on cross-sectional study data and output-oriented super-efficiency data envelopment analysis model of a slack variable. Then, the panel data model is used to analyze the dynamic efficiency and continuity of the operating performance and to assess the deferred effects of Taiwan’s banks as a whole and individually. The empirical result shows that all efficiency values have intertemporal or multistage deferred dynamic sustainability. With a mean value of continuity of all efficiency values of up to 89.39%, the banking industry has a certain dynamic continuity in terms of operating efficiency. The results of this study can not only be used as basis for the adjustment of the salary dividend of an individual chief executive officer but also can be used to verify the short-term influence of major government policies on the economy. In the long term, the results of this study can be used as an indicator of national economic trends and fill existing gaps in the academic field.