Journal of Computations & Modelling

A Generalized Class of Kumaraswamy Lindley Distribution with Applications to Lifetime Data

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  • Abstract

    In this paper, we propose a new class of generalized distributions called the Exponentiated Kumaraswamy Lindley (EKL) distribution, as well as related sub-distributions. This class of distributions contains the Kumaraswamy Lindley (KL), generalized Lindley (GL), and Lindley (L) distributions as special cases. A series expansion of the density is obtained. Statistical properties of this class of distributions, including the hazard and reverse hazard functions, monotonicity property, shapes, moments, reliability, quantile function, mean deviations, Bonferroni and Lorenz curves, entropy and Fisher information are derived among others. The method of maximum likelihood is adopted for estimating the model parameters. Two applications to real data sets demonstrate the usefulness and importance of the proposed distribution.