Journal of Applied Finance & Banking

Effects of Bonds Issuance on Banking Performance

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  • Abstract

    The paper aims to explore how bonds issuance affects banking performance. This paper uses data panel to analyse the data for the period of 2008 to 2012. The result are as follows: BOPO (operational cost to Operational revenue), CAR (capital adequacy ratio), LDR (loan deposits ratio), NIM (Net Interest Margin) statistically significant affected the RoE (return on equity) but NPL (non-performance loan) does not affect RoE. BOPO, CAR, NIM and NPL statistically significant affected the RoA (return on assets), but LDR does not affect the RoA. Bonds issuance does not affect the RoE but affected to the RoA. Crisis period affected the RoE and RoA. The interaction between bond issuance and crisis period affected the RoE and RoA.