Journal of Computations & Modelling

The Algorithm Study on Calculating Formation Parameters under the Log-Log Coordinate System in the Well-Testing Interpretation Model of Commingling Production Multi-Stage Fractured Vertical Well

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  • Abstract

    For a reservoir characteristic of a multilayer, commingling production is an effective way of exploitation. Especially for the well characteristic of multi-layered in tight reservoirs of Lucaogou Formation in Xinjiang Oilfield, it must adopt the approach of commingling production with staged-fractured to mine. And so, in the well-testing interpretation software (referred WTIS), integrating the well-testing interpretation model (referred WTIM) of commingling production multi-stage fractured vertical well (referred CPMSFVW) has important practical economic and social value; therefore, it is particularly necessary to study the algorithm of calculating formation parameters under the log-log coordinate system (referred CFPLLCS) of this model. This paper firstly discussed the realization process of CFPLLCS in the WTIS, and then from the WTIM of the CPMSFVW, gave its dimensionless parameters definition, finally on the basis of the above, gave the step and algorithm of CFPLLCS of the WTIM of the CPMSFVW. The realization of the algorithm laid a necessary foundation for finally integrating the WTIM of the CPMSFVW in the WTIS.