International Journal of Health Research and Innovation

Consumer Driven Healthcare (CDH)

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  • Abstract

    Consumer driven healthcare (CDH) needs to be given a greater amount of consideration in today's healthcare system, considering the revolution consumerism has brought in the other sectors. There are chances that patients and employers can save more on tax by going in for CDH plans. The consumers would be left with greater number of options. The costs, quality and the access to healthcare would be in favor of the consumer. There would be a shift in certain responsibilities towards the consumer, but this would also mean that the consumers would be having greater control over their health. The consumer would also save on the unspent amount. The legislation needs to consider the advantages of CDH and also argue on the limitations in order to implement the best policy. Currently, there are very few elders who have taken CDH plans and studies have clearly shown that this is one of the groups which need CDH the most. Hence a lot needs to be done to implement the CDH in the US.