International Journal of Health Research and Innovation

Cultural Differences in Dietary Patterns: A Simple Review

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  • Abstract

    In recent years with the emergence of new social groups changes have been observed in many different areas. One of these is the health sector, forming a care in accordance with the cultural characteristics of patients. A simple review of literature findings helps to the understanding eating habits and standards arising from the cultural identity of each country. From 1995- 2015, articles in PubMed, Google Scholar and World Health Organization were researched, focused on the cultural diversity in dietary habits and nursing interventions, using as key- words "transcultural nursing and nutrition", "transcultural care". Totally, 80 articles were found and finally only 49 were used as they referred to dietary habits and patterns according to cultural differences. Dietary habits have a direct relationship with the culture of each individual. Every nation presents its own nutritional standards, which are affected by factors such as the individual religion, and geographical location (Europe, America and Asia). Also every culture has its own theories and beliefs about health and illness, which shape its eating options. Health professionals and nurses in particular must be culturally competent, respecting each culture, cultural beliefs and eating habits of patients. Thus, the provision of health care can be effective and culturally appropriate.