Journal of Earth Sciences and Geotechnical Engineering

GIS Integrated Geomorphological, Geological and Geoelectrical Assessment of the Groundwater Potential of Akure Metropolis, Southwest Nigeria

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  •                                                     Abstract

    Landsat EMT+ surface reflectance images of 2002 of the Akure Metropolis were processed to generate geomorphological and lineament maps. Five Hundred and thirteen Schlumberger Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) data set were quantitatively interpreted using the partial curve matching and computer assisted 1-D forward modeling. Four geomorphological units which include residual hills, pediments, low land pediments and etchplain were delineated. Satellite- imagery-delineated lineaments show predominantly NNW-SSE, ENE-WSW and NNE-SSW orientations with subsidiary NW-SE and W-E trends. The VES interpretation results delineate four main subsurface geologic units. These include the topsoil, weathered basement, partly weathered/fractured basement and the fresh basement bedrock. Two major aquifer units - the weathered basement and the partly weathered/fractured basement were delineated. Thematic maps of geology, geomorphology, hydro-lineament density, aquifer thickness, and electrical coefficient of anisotropy were integrated to classify the Akure Metropolis into very low, low, moderate and high groundwater potential zones.