Journal of Earth Sciences and Geotechnical Engineering

Lithofacies and Textural Attributes of the NankaSandstone (Eocene): Proxies for evaluating the Depositional Environment and Reservoir Quality

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  • Abstract

    The result of the lithofacies characterization, textural analysis using univariate, bivariate and multivariate analyses of environmentally sensitive parameters of the Nanka Sandstone show that the sandstone was deposited by tidal processes within a shallow, marine agitated environment, possibly the foreshore to upper shoreface setting. The sandstone is dominated by fine – medium grained, moderately sorted sandstones with clay-draped cross beds, reactivation structures, flaser beds, sigmoidal foreset laminations/beds and tidal bundles as well as Ophiomorpha and chondritesisp burrows. Porosity and permeability assessment of the sandstones using the empirical equation of Hazen showed average porosity and permeability values of 0.43 and 8.45m/d respectively for the Sandstone. The low permeability, in spite of the good porosity, is attributed to the high content of clays as drapes, flaser beds as well as disseminations in the sandstone.