Journal of Earth Sciences and Geotechnical Engineering

Geotechnical Properties of Subsurface Soils in Warri, Western Niger Delta, Nigeria

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  • Abstract

    Integrated surface electrical resistivity survey, borehole drilling and insitu testing by CPT were used to determine engineering geological properties of soils underlying Warri metropolis for the planning and design of civil engineering structures. Results revealed that three major sub-soil types underlie the area characterized by dry, swampy and marshy ground conditions. These soils occur in the dry plains and swampy areas, from top to bottom, as silty sand, clayey sand and sand. However in the marshy NPA area, only two soil layers occur: the top 6m thick organic clay layer overlying the sand layer. The geotechnical properties suggest that all the layers can support structural loads from civil structures, provided foundation design is preceded by adequate subsoil investigation to provide construction specific data.