Journal of Earth Sciences and Geotechnical Engineering

Nonlinear Time-Dependent Soil Behavior due to Construction of Buried Structures

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  • Abstract

    This paper represents an effort to develop an efficient and powerful finite element technique to simulate the sequences of construction buried structures (excavation, installation of buried structure and backfilling) in linear and nonlinear time dependent soil behaviour. The problem of buried structure in nonlinear soil behaviour is analyzed in three stages. First stage of analysis starts with soil excavation then the stage of buried structure construction in the excavated zone will be analyzed and finally the backfilling will be the final stage of analysis. The interaction between buried structure and adjacent soil is implemented in the finite element method using the concept of the thin layer element. The finite element formulation of the Biot's theory for plane strain consolidation is presented. This formulation is extended to represent the linear and nonlinear time dependent behaviour of soil during excavation, construction of buried structures and finally backfilling problems. A general finite element computer program is developed to analyze any buried structure problem in linear and nonlinear time dependent soil behaviour. Verification of the finite element technique is achieved by studying and analyzing some buried structure problems in linear and nonlinear soil behaviour.